Using the cards with a group
Choose a question card, share it, then think by yourself for a minute. Pair up to share your responses, then chat around the group asking: “what is our shared experience on this topic”. Listen for connection.
Other questions to use for groups:
What differences can we find on this question?
How can we grow closer in this?
Are there actions we can take together about this question?
What would we like to know more about? How can we discover this together?
What can I learn from you about this?
Ways to play
Choose the questions for each other.
Choose your own question and allow each person to choose a different one.
Offer the deck and ask others to choose a question they are happy to answer
Make a rule: Pick your comfort zone and answer only what’s comfortable.
Let each question be a launch pad for more of your own questions!
Active listening can make it a rich experience.
Give all your attention
Listen for feelings
Observe other cues, like body language
Be curious: ask for more detail, to go deeper
Stay quiet until you hear everything there is to hear
Ask: am I trying to tell my story instead of listening to theirs?
Own your own opinions and beliefs, start sentences with “I think…”, or “it seems to me”, or “In my opinion”
Ground your statements – that is, attach it to the group or source it belongs to. For instance: “In my culture…”, or “ many Australians have experienced…”