Learning about the Bible
Being biblically literate means understanding the world behind the text, the world of the text and the world in front of the text. If that doesn't make sense maybe some of this stuff will help.
Or you might be looking for general information about the wonderful 360 Project. If that's you, then click through here.
News and Resources
Biblical Literacy Events
Two weeks ago I spent a great short night with a small group experiencing the first parts of BIBLE360 Intro to the Bible online. In two weeks time we’ll be carrying on for the next installment. This is open to everyone. Feel free to start here!
These are weird times and when things are uncertain, the ministry we do with children becomes more crucial. Safe environments that help kids grow without unnecessary anxiety and stress are a part of the responsibilities of adults right?
Ever needed an idea or two for discussion with adults, or a quick reference lesson plan for a group of children? “Lesson Plans that Work” is a very handy box of tricks with clear session outlines for use with the Sunday readings for each week of the Revised Common Lectionary, years A, B and C.
We here at FormEDfaith are happy to announce "FAITH ASKING QUESTIONS", the new St Francis College online short course. We made it! 17 experts answering 27 big faith questions as voted by members of the Anglican Diocese Southern Queensland. These are questions addressed in ways you'll never forget, to inspire your faith forever!
Join John Bell, an inspiring hymn writer, liturgist and author from the Iona Community and Wild Goose Resource Group as he explores the question 'Is there a future in tradition?'
You’re at a barbeque and conversation with some new friends takes an interesting turn. You mention you went to church that morning, an Anglican one in fact. The next question? “So what’s Anglican mean?”
And you’d say…?
The next St Francis College Short Course is taking shape: Facing Deep Questions! In order to work out what big questions we’ll explore, we’ve set up a short poll for you to spend two minutes with. Please take a moment or two to vote on the questions you’d like answered.
If you’re late for Lent this year, here’s one more resource that is free and will enable you to work through Lent and beyond.
Parishes and agencies in the Anglican Diocese Southern Queensland can book in now for the wonders of the 360 Project, delivered to you in your place! Just book a seminar, round up at least 10 people and Jonathan and/or Fiona will head to anywhere in the diocese to facilitate your choice.
It’s only weeks away, a new St Francis College Short Course called Being Anglican.
Watch the teaser video here.
See Archbishop Phillip as he uses his wonderful teaching skills to unpack the distinctiveness of Anglican Christianity: the Middle Way through Scripture, Tradition and Reason.
Into the Desert is a great app for your smart phone from ABM. Useful at any time of year, this app especially comes into its own during Lent.
Obviously flying cars as in The Jetsons and Blade Runner should be with us this year but before we see those, we here at FormedFaith are working on some other exciting projects.
Imagine a locally-produced six-episode course with videos featuring faith experts and discussion questions designed to be used by you on your own or with a group. And it’s free! Click here to find out more…
Adolescent years are a challenge for the best of us. Questions about self-identity, our place in the world, who to love and how to express that swirl around as hormones surge and ebb.
The biggest opportunity for parish growth and learning is about to hit the diocese!
John Roberto, world renowned faith formation specialist, is coming to Brisbane and Lay People in our diocese have the chance to spend a day with him for only $15. Yes, only $15!!
How do you make a biblical film that will satisfy audiences? Deliver word-for-word speeches straight from an acceptable translation? Remain faithful to conventional dogma? Stay true to the depiction of ancient cultural lifestyles, but not too faithful so as to alienate Western audiences? Adapting any much loved text is going to be problematic.
There are some terrific materials to use for lent this year. Here’s a selection suggested to me by those in the know…
Th Bible is the central text for Christians so its super important we have a working knowledge of this precious book.
The new short course from St Francis College, Exploring the Bible helps you begin the path to…