Welcome to the page that lists modules so far in the FAITH360 stream of The 360 Project. Newer modules are listed first. Even newer modules are always on the way!
FAITH360 The Puzzle of Paul
A practical workshop about St Paul
This all day workshop (9.3.30pm) developed by Fiona Hammond and Jonathan Sargeant from content by the Revd Dr M Marian Free will help you get to know St Paul, his writings and how they shape our faith and understandings of Jesus. As the Christian Church’s first theologian, it is important to understand St Paul! In this workshop, participants will:
Learn about St Paul and his background
Discover the world that shaped him
Think about how we’ve come to know what we do about him
Examine what Paul wrote
Explore how St Paul’s writings have shaped the church and faith through history
Reflect on how these ideas have shaped us now, and into the future
FAITH360 Faith Seeks Understanding
A practical workshop for thinking about faith
This all day workshop (9-3.30pm), developed by Jonathan Sargeant and Fiona Hammond from content by Dr Peter Kline aims to introduce participants to the world of theology and theological thinking. Most of us do theology already without realising! In this workshop, participants will:
Define the word itself: Theology! That can’t be too hard, can it?
Examine how the ideas of theology have developed in the Christian Church
Explore the reasons for thinking about Theology in the present day
Discover theologians and their ideas from past to present day
Develop a theological toolkit to enable us to navigate our faith lives
Try out the process of theology with some specific current events
FAITH360 Praying in Anglican Ways
A practical workshop about forms of Anglican spirituality and prayer.
This all day workshop (9-3.30pm) written by the Revs Penny Jones and Jo Inkpin enables participants to ponder their own spirituality and the methods of prayer and worship that can enhance relationships with God. Discover deep Anglican wells of spiritual practice that provide resources for faith today! In this workshop, participants will:
Explore ideas about spirituality. Just what is it anyway?
Think about the Anglican forms of spirituality
Examine their own spirituality towards identifying a helpful life-enhancing profile
Learn about the history and form of Anglican spiritualities that have enlivened our church, as well as individuals/groups associated with them
Have a chance to practice different forms of prayer and worship associated with these Anglican spiritualities
Come to value the enormous breadth of spiritual resources available to us in the Anglican Church
Think about developing a 'rule of life' to enhance our faith formation into the future