Letting Mark Live! ... a seminar on the Gospel of Mark Year B

The Gospel according to Mark has always puzzled careful readers. It seems to focus on keeping Jesus’ works and miracles secret, on Jesus’ failure to convince his opponents, and on the weaknesses of his disciples.
The Revised Common Lectionary uses the Gospel According to Mark as the basis for the Sunday Gospel readings in year B. As an opportunity for preachers and laity alike this seminar will provide excellent preparation for the year ahead.

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News about Pilgrim: a course for the Christian journey

New material supporting the Pilgrim course is up on-line at www.formedfaith.org now!


1.       Click here to register your Pilgrim group/s with Jonathan Sargeant at Ministry Education.  Doing so will enable your group/s to be a part of the community of Pilgrim users all over the diocese, sharing ideas, tips, stories of successes as well as new resources to aid the journey.

2.       Access on-line training for Pilgrim leaders here.  The orientation video and small group leaders training session is available to watch now.  Interact with Jonathan Sargeant with questions, comments and more.

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The STEP Bible (Scripture Tools for Every Person) project

Tyndale House has recently released a beta version of the STEP Bible (Scripture Tools for Every Person) project. You can find more information here:


From the web site:

STEP Bible is a Tyndale House project to build high quality free reliable Bible tools, with the aim of enabling anyone who wants to study the Bible seriously to do so. This has grown out of the free Tyndale Toolbar which is being used by thousands of people all over the world.

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Pervo's Gospel of Luke Commentary out now

It's good news on the biblical front that Richard Pervo's new commentary on Luke is now available.

This volume completes the highly regarded Synoptic Gospels set in the scholars Bible series.

Here's what the critics are saying..

"Pervo writes with verve" - The Bible Today

"(Pervo's) wit and erudition make for pleasurable reading" - Anglican Theological Review

What prompted the anonymous author of Luke to edit his sources, Mark and Q, and retell the story of Jesus? Using the Scholars Version translation that is true to the everyday Greek of the gospel writers, Pervo explores the who, when, where, why, and how of the Gospel of Luke. Includes the Greek text, introduction, notes, and cross references.

You can find out more and even order the book here.

I Believe

Janet's new study believe

IBelieve: reflections on our shared faith by Janet Dyke, Lakeside Publishing

As belief becomes increasingly individualised by our society, Janet Dyke’s new collection of studies represents a gentle call to something different: belief in community.

I Believe: reflections on our shared faith enables small groups to examine the Apostles Creed, that document of the early church that began to define the lines of demarcation between establishing Christianity and other off-shoots and faiths.

The slim book features seven sessions: Believe, Father, Christ, Ascend, Spirit, Forgive and Life.  Each contains material to draw participants into a conversation with the text.  There is some supporting historical material as well. Janet manages to offer this in a non-threatening way that nevertheless does not shy away from the big challenges that some of the ideas in the creed engender.  Her questions for discussion are foundational, just right for a group finding its feet in the arena of belief.  That she does so in a manner that will enable long time believers to answer and discuss at their own level is to her credit.

There’s a real knack here for connecting ancient ideas with present realities which is the secret of good small group faith formation material.  Drawing on her own life experience brings a personal touch here and there which grounds the studies nicely.

In an age where individualism often brings loneliness, focusing on what binds us together is a vital task of the church.  Ms Dyke has successfully helped us along that path.

You can order the book or find out more here

 Jonathan Sargeant, Lay Education Officer, St Francis College