WEBINAR: Bible360 Introduction to the Bible 3
The third installment of this popular seminar explores the central messages of the Old/New Testaments with a sweeping overview and insightful facts. Oh, and the Apocrypha!
Tuesday 2nd June 7-8pm
This is a standalone webinar. You're welcome to join in here!
Email Jonathan Sargeant for the Zoom link: jonathans@ministryeducation.org.au
He’ll send you materials for the seminar. It couldn’t be more easy to learn online!
RSVP or ask questions by contacting the FormEdFaith office . Just click here…

WEBINAR: Bible360 Introduction to the Bible (part 1)
A 90 minute introduction to the Bible led by Jonathan Sargeant for people of all ages and backgrounds.
All are welcome, from any parish or agency in the diocese or beyond!
Thousands of people around the diocese (and the world!) have done this program. Now it's your chance!
It offers a place to start the adventure of reading the Bible or to pick up the journey again if it has been a while.
The seminar provides:
· An understanding of the history of the Bible and its translations
· Practical tips on choosing a Bible and other resources
Just RSVP and you will be sent a Zoom invite link for the event itself as well as materials for the seminar. It couldn’t be more easy to learn online!
Parts 2-4 will be offered in coming months.
RSVP or ask questions by contacting the FormEdFaith office . Just click here…

Bible360: Introduction to the Bible - Enoggera Anglican
A one-day (9-3.30pm) introduction to the Bible led by Jonathan Sargeant for people of all ages and backgrounds.
All are welcome, from any parish or agency in the diocese!
Thousands of people around the diocese (and the world!) have done this program. Now it's your chance!
It offers a place to start the adventure of reading the Bible or to pick up the journey again if it has been a while.
The seminar provides:
· An opportunity to engage with others
· An understanding of the history of the Bible
· The basic information needed to read the Bible with confidence
· A brief overview of the Old Testament and New Testament
· Practical tips on choosing a Bible and other resources
· Help to get started with a personal Bible reading plan.
Just bring a pen, a bible and your lunch (or buy it nearby) and you’re good to go! Morning tea is provided.
Oh, and BIBLE360 modules are part of the larger 360 Project plan.
To find out more, head over to...Wait, you're here already!

FAITH360: The Puzzle of Paul - St Andrew's Indooroopilly
St Paul - what do we know about his life, work and influence? This workshop explores this intriguing man, and gets us thinking about his legacy and impact on our own lives.

Bible360: Introduction to the Bible - St George's Anglican Church, Maleny
A one-day (9-3.30pm) introduction to the Bible led by Jonathan Sargeant for people of all ages and backgrounds.
All are welcome, from any parish or agency in the diocese!
Thousands of people around the diocese (and the world!) have done this program. Now it's your chance!
It offers a place to start the adventure of reading the Bible or to pick up the journey again if it has been a while.
The seminar provides:
· An opportunity to engage with others
· An understanding of the history of the Bible
· The basic information needed to read the Bible with confidence
· A brief overview of the Old Testament and New Testament
· Practical tips on choosing a Bible and other resources
· Help to get started with a personal Bible reading plan.
Just bring a pen, a bible and your lunch (or buy it nearby) and you’re good to go! Morning tea is provided.
Oh, and BIBLE360 modules are part of the larger 360 Project plan.
To find out more, head over to...Wait, you're here already!

FAITH360: Praying in Anglican Ways - Algester
A practical workshop about forms of Anglican spirituality and prayer.
This all day workshop (9-3:30pm) enables participants to ponder their own spirituality and the methods of prayer and worship that can enhance relationships with God. Discover deep Anglican wells of spiritual practice that provide resources for faith today!
All you need to bring is a pen and your lunch.
In this workshop, participants will:
Explore ideas about spirituality. Just what is it anyway?
Think about the Anglican forms of spirituality
Examine their own spirituality towards identifying a helpful life-enhancing profile
Learn about the history and form of Anglican spiritualities that have enlivened our church, as well as individuals/groups associated with them
Have a chance to practice different forms of prayer and worship associated with these Anglican spiritualities
Come to value the enormous breadth of spiritual resources available to us in the Anglican Church
Think about developing a 'rule of life' to enhance our faith formation into the future
Register below for learning and fun.

FAITH360: Faith Seeks Understanding
FAITH360 Faith Seeks Understanding
Led by the Rev’d Dr Timothy Nicholson
A practical workshop for thinking about faith
This all day workshop (9-3.30pm), developed by Jonathan Sargeant and Fiona Hammond from content by Dr Peter Kline aims to introduce participants to the world of theology and theological thinking. Most of us do theology already without realising! In this workshop, participants will:
Define the word itself: Theology! That can’t be too hard, can it?
Examine how the ideas of theology have developed in the Christian Church
Explore the reasons for thinking about Theology in the present day
Discover theologians and their ideas from past to present day
Develop a theological toolkit to enable us to navigate our faith lives
Try out the process of theology with some specific current events
Morning/afternoon tea provided, please bring your own lunch. Exciting!

FAITH360: Praying in Anglican Ways - Bundaberg & Bundaberg West
A practical workshop about forms of Anglican spirituality and prayer.
This all day workshop (9-3:30pm) led by Jonathan Sargeant, enables participants to ponder their own spirituality and the methods of prayer and worship that can enhance relationships with God. Discover deep Anglican wells of spiritual practice that provide resources for faith today!
All you need to bring is a pen and your lunch.
In this workshop, participants will:
Explore ideas about spirituality. Just what is it anyway?
Think about the Anglican forms of spirituality
Examine their own spirituality towards identifying a helpful life-enhancing profile
Learn about the history and form of Anglican spiritualities that have enlivened our church, as well as individuals/groups associated with them
Have a chance to practice different forms of prayer and worship associated with these Anglican spiritualities
Come to value the enormous breadth of spiritual resources available to us in the Anglican Church
Think about developing a 'rule of life' to enhance our faith formation into the future
Register below,
Bible360: Introduction to the Bible - The Lakes
A one-day (9-3.30pm) introduction to the Bible led by Jonathan Sargeant for people of all ages and backgrounds.
All are welcome, from any parish or agency in the diocese!
Thousands of people around the diocese (and the world!) have done this program. Now it's your chance!
It offers a place to start the adventure of reading the Bible or to pick up the journey again if it has been a while.
The seminar provides:
· An opportunity to engage with others
· An understanding of the history of the Bible
· The basic information needed to read the Bible with confidence
· A brief overview of the Old Testament and New Testament
· Practical tips on choosing a Bible and other resources
· Help to get started with a personal Bible reading plan.
Just bring a pen, a bible and your lunch (or buy it nearby) and you’re good to go! Morning tea is provided.
Oh, and BIBLE360 modules are part of the larger 360 Project plan.
To find out more, head over to...Wait, you're here already!
BIBLE360 - Introduction to the Prophets - Bundaberg & Bundaberg West
BIBLE360: Introduction to the Prophets
A one-day introduction to the biblical prophets for people of all backgrounds and from teens to adults.
This seminar offers an opportunity to explore the role of an often-misunderstood group in the Bible: the prophets.
Here you will:
- Examine the current usage of the word, prophet
- Compare this with Biblical usage to explore how this role might have changed
- Look at the themes that charcterise the words of the prophets
- Explore whether Jesus might have seen himself following that same line
- Ponder your own prophetic role in your community
- Look at resources to enable more learning
It's free! Just bring a pen and a bible and a desire to learn some cool stuff! REGISTER BELOW!
Bible360: Introduction to the Bible - Caloundra
A one-day (9-3.30pm) introduction to the Bible led by Jonathan Sargeant for people of all ages and backgrounds.
All are welcome, from any parish or agency in the diocese!
Thousands of people around the diocese (and the world!) have done this program. Now it's your chance!
It offers a place to start the adventure of reading the Bible or to pick up the journey again if it has been a while.
The seminar provides:
· An opportunity to engage with others
· An understanding of the history of the Bible
· The basic information needed to read the Bible with confidence
· A brief overview of the Old Testament and New Testament
· Practical tips on choosing a Bible and other resources
· Help to get started with a personal Bible reading plan.
Just bring a pen and your lunch (or buy it nearby) and you’re good to go! Morning tea is provided.
Oh, and BIBLE360 modules are part of the larger 360 Project plan.
To find out more, head over to...Wait, you're here already!
Bible360: Introduction to the Bible - Bundaberg & Bundaberg West
A one-day (9-3.30pm) introduction to the Bible led by Jonathan Sargeant for people of all ages and backgrounds.
All are welcome, from any parish or agency in the diocese!
Thousands of people around the diocese (and the world!) have done this program. Now it's your chance!
It offers a place to start the adventure of reading the Bible or to pick up the journey again if it has been a while.
The seminar provides:
· An opportunity to engage with others
· An understanding of the history of the Bible
· The basic information needed to read the Bible with confidence
· A brief overview of the Old Testament and New Testament
· Practical tips on choosing a Bible and other resources
· Help to get started with a personal Bible reading plan.
Just bring a pen, a bible and your lunch (or buy it nearby) and you’re good to go! Morning tea is provided.
Oh, and BIBLE360 modules are part of the larger 360 Project plan.
To find out more, head over to...Wait, you're here already!
Bible360: Introduction to the Bible - St John' Cathedral
A one-day (9-3.30pm) introduction to the Bible led by Jonathan Sargeant for people of all ages and backgrounds.
All are welcome, from any parish or agency in the diocese!
Thousands of people around the diocese (and the world!) have done this program. Now it's your chance!
It offers a place to start the adventure of reading the Bible or to pick up the journey again if it has been a while.
The seminar provides:
· An opportunity to engage with others
· An understanding of the history of the Bible
· The basic information needed to read the Bible with confidence
· A brief overview of the Old Testament and New Testament
· Practical tips on choosing a Bible and other resources
· Help to get started with a personal Bible reading plan.
Just bring a pen and your lunch (or buy it nearby) and you’re good to go! Morning tea is provided.
Oh, and BIBLE360 modules are part of the larger 360 Project plan.
To find out more, head over to...Wait, you're here already!
Bible360: Introduction to the Bible - Oakey
A one-day (9-3.30pm) introduction to the Bible for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Thousands of people around the diocese (and the world!) have done this program. Now it's your chance!
It offers a place to start the adventure of reading the Bible or to pick up the journey again if it has been a while.
The seminar provides:
· An opportunity to engage with others
· An understanding of the history of the Bible
· The basic information needed to read the Bible with confidence
· A brief overview of the Old Testament and New Testament
· Practical tips on choosing a Bible and other resources
· Help to get started with a personal Bible reading plan.
Just bring a pen and your lunch (or buy it nearby) and you’re good to go! Morning tea is provided.
Oh, and BIBLE360 modules are part of the larger 360 Project plan.
To find out more, head over to...Wait, you're here already!

FAITH360: Praying in Anglican Ways - King's Beach Caloundra
A practical workshop about forms of Anglican spirituality and prayer.
This all day workshop (9-3:30pm) written by the Revs Penny Jones and Jo Inkpin enables participants to ponder their own spirituality and the methods of prayer and worship that can enhance relationships with God. Discover deep Anglican wells of spiritual practice that provide resources for faith today!
All you need to bring is a pen and your lunch.
In this workshop, participants will:
- Explore ideas about spirituality. Just what is it anyway?
- Think about the Anglican forms of spirituality
- Examine their own spirituality towards identifying a helpful life-enhancing profile
- Learn about the history and form of Anglican spiritualities that have enlivened our church, as well as individuals/groups associated with them
- Have a chance to practice different forms of prayer and worship associated with these Anglican spiritualities
- Come to value the enormous breadth of spiritual resources available to us in the Anglican Church
- Think about developing a 'rule of life' to enhance our faith formation into the future
Register with this button, or leave your name at the parish office, (07) 5491 1866
Bible360: Introduction to the Bible - Algester
A one-day (9-3.30pm) introduction to the Bible for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Thousands of people around the diocese (and the world!) have done this program. Now it's your chance!
It offers a place to start the adventure of reading the Bible or to pick up the journey again if it has been a while.
The seminar provides:
· An opportunity to engage with others
· An understanding of the history of the Bible
· The basic information needed to read the Bible with confidence
· A brief overview of the Old Testament and New Testament
· Practical tips on choosing a Bible and other resources
· Help to get started with a personal Bible reading plan.
Just bring a pen and your lunch (or buy it nearby) and you’re good to go! Morning tea is provided.
Oh, and BIBLE360 modules are part of the larger 360 Project plan.
To find out more, head over to...Wait, you're here already!
Bible360: Introduction to the Bible - Dalby
A one-day (9-3.30pm) introduction to the Bible for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Thousands of people around the diocese (and the world!) have done this program. Now it's your chance!
It offers a place to start the adventure of reading the Bible or to pick up the journey again if it has been a while.
The seminar provides:
· An opportunity to engage with others
· An understanding of the history of the Bible
· The basic information needed to read the Bible with confidence
· A brief overview of the Old Testament and New Testament
· Practical tips on choosing a Bible and other resources
· Help to get started with a personal Bible reading plan.
Just bring a pen and your lunch (or buy it nearby) and you’re good to go! Morning tea is provided.
Oh, and BIBLE360 modules are part of the larger 360 Project plan.
To find out more, head over to...Wait, you're here already!

FAITH360: Praying in Anglican Ways - St Johns Cathedral - Darnell Room
A practical workshop about forms of Anglican spirituality and prayer. It's happening in the Darnell Room!
This all day workshop (9-3:30pm) written by the Revs Penny Jones and Jo Inkpin enables participants to ponder their own spirituality and the methods of prayer and worship that can enhance relationships with God. Discover deep Anglican wells of spiritual practice that provide resources for faith today!
All you need to bring is a pen and your lunch.
In this workshop, participants will:
- Explore ideas about spirituality. Just what is it anyway?
- Think about the Anglican forms of spirituality
- Examine their own spirituality towards identifying a helpful life-enhancing profile
- Learn about the history and form of Anglican spiritualities that have enlivened our church, as well as individuals/groups associated with them
- Have a chance to practice different forms of prayer and worship associated with these Anglican spiritualities
- Come to value the enormous breadth of spiritual resources available to us in the Anglican Church
- Think about developing a 'rule of life' to enhance our faith formation into the future
Register with this button, or leave your name at the Cathedral Reception, St Martin’s House Ph: 3835 2222 .
Bible360: Introduction to the Bible - Strathpine
A one-day (9-3.30pm) introduction to the Bible for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Thousands of people around the diocese (and the world!) have done this program. Now it's your chance!
It offers a place to start the adventure of reading the Bible or to pick up the journey again if it has been a while.
The seminar provides:
· An opportunity to engage with others
· An understanding of the history of the Bible
· The basic information needed to read the Bible with confidence
· A brief overview of the Old Testament and New Testament
· Practical tips on choosing a Bible and other resources
· Help to get started with a personal Bible reading plan.
Just bring a pen and your lunch (or buy it nearby) and you’re good to go! Morning tea is provided.
Oh, and BIBLE360 modules are part of the larger 360 Project plan.
To find out more, head over to...Wait, you're here already!
Bible360: Introduction to the Bible - Annerley
BIBLE360: Introduction to the Bible
A one-day (9-3.30pm) introduction to the Bible for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Thousands of people around the diocese (and the world!) have done this program. Now it's your chance!
It offers a place to start the adventure of reading the Bible or to pick up the journey again if it has been a while.
The seminar provides:
· An opportunity to engage with others
· An understanding of the history of the Bible
· The basic information needed to read the Bible with confidence
· A brief overview of the Old Testament and New Testament
· Practical tips on choosing a Bible and other resources
· Help to get started with a personal Bible reading plan.
Just bring a pen and your lunch (or buy it nearby) and you’re good to go! Morning tea is provided.
Oh, and BIBLE360 modules are part of the larger 360 Project plan.
To find out more, head over toWait, you're here already!

FAITH360: Praying in Anglican Ways - Stafford
FAITH360 Praying in Anglican Ways
A practical workshop about forms of Anglican spirituality and prayer.
This all day workshop (9-3:30pm) written by the Revs Penny Jones and Jonathan Inkpin enables participants to ponder their own spirituality and the methods of prayer and worship that can enhance relationships with God. Discover deep Anglican wells of spiritual practice that provide resources for faith today!
All you need to bring is a pen and your lunch.
In this workshop, participants will:
- Explore ideas about spirituality. Just what is it anyway?
- Think about the Anglican forms of spirituality
- Examine their own spirituality towards identifying a helpful life-enhancing profile
- Learn about the history and form of Anglican spiritualities that have enlivened our church, as well as individuals/groups associated with them
- Have a chance to practice different forms of prayer and worship associated with these Anglican spiritualities
- Come to value the enormous breadth of spiritual resources available to us in the Anglican Church
- Think about developing a 'rule of life' to enhance our faith formation into the future
Register with this button, or leave your name at the parish office (07 33564300).
BIBLE360 - Introduction to the Prophets
BIBLE360: Introduction to the Prophets
A one-day introduction to the biblical prophets for people of all backgrounds and from teens to adults.
This seminar offers an opportunity to explore the role of an often-misunderstood group in the Bible: the prophets.
Here you will:
- Examine the current usage of the word, prophet
- Compare this with Biblical usage to explore how this role might have changed
- Look at the themes that charcterise the words of the prophets
- Explore whether Jesus might have seen himself following that same line
- Ponder your own prophetic role in your community
- Look at resources to enable more learning
It's free! Just bring a pen and a bible and a desire to learn some cool stuff!
The sign up button will appear here any day now when tickets are released.

FAITH360: Praying in Anglican Ways - Aspley/Albany Creek
FAITH360 Praying in Anglican Ways
A practical workshop about forms of Anglican spirituality and prayer.
This all day workshop (9-3:30pm) written by the Revs Penny Jones and Jonathan Inkpin enables participants to ponder their own spirituality and the methods of prayer and worship that can enhance relationships with God. Discover deep Anglican wells of spiritual practice that provide resources for faith today!
In this workshop, participants will:
- Explore ideas about spirituality. Just what is it anyway?
- Think about the Anglican forms of spirituality
- Examine their own spirituality towards identifying a helpful life-enhancing profile
- Learn about the history and form of Anglican spiritualities that have enlivened our church, as well as individuals/groups associated with them
- Have a chance to practice different forms of prayer and worship associated with these Anglican spiritualities
- Come to value the enormous breadth of spiritual resources available to us in the Anglican Church
- Think about developing a 'rule of life' to enhance our faith formation into the future
Oh, and FAITH360 modules are part of the larger 360 Project plan.
To find out more, head over towww.formedfaith.org Wait, you're already here! Look in the menu above for more info...

Bible360: Introduction to the Bible - Bundaberg West
BIBLE360: Introduction to the Bible
A one-day (9-3.30pm) introduction to the Bible for people of all ages and backgrounds.
It offers a place to start the adventure of reading the Bible or to pick up the journey again if it has been a while.
The seminar provides:
· An opportunity to engage with others
· An understanding of the history of the Bible
· The basic information needed to read the Bible with confidence
· A brief overview of the Old Testament and New Testament
· Practical tips on choosing a Bible and other resources
· Help to get started with a personal Bible reading plan.
Just bring a pen and your lunch (or buy it nearby) and you’re good to go! Morning tea is provided.
Oh, and BIBLE360 modules are part of the larger 360 Project plan.
To find out more, head over toWait, you're here already!

FAITH360: Praying in Anglican Ways - Cleveland
FAITH360 Praying in Anglican Ways
A practical workshop about forms of Anglican spirituality and prayer.
This all day workshop (9-3:30pm) written by the Revs Penny Jones and Jonathan Inkpin enables participants to ponder their own spirituality and the methods of prayer and worship that can enhance relationships with God. Discover deep Anglican wells of spiritual practice that provide resources for faith today!
In this workshop, participants will:
- Explore ideas about spirituality. Just what is it anyway?
- Think about the Anglican forms of spirituality
- Examine their own spirituality towards identifying a helpful life-enhancing profile
- Learn about the history and form of Anglican spiritualities that have enlivened our church, as well as individuals/groups associated with them
- Have a chance to practice different forms of prayer and worship associated with these Anglican spiritualities
- Come to value the enormous breadth of spiritual resources available to us in the Anglican Church
- Think about developing a 'rule of life' to enhance our faith formation into the future
This event is being led by the Rev'd Denise Ferguson.
Oh, and FAITH360 modules are part of the larger 360 Project plan.
To find out more, head over towww.formedfaith.org Wait, you're already here!
BIBLE360: Introduction to the Bible - Gympie!
BIBLE360: Introduction to the Bible
9.00am - 3.30pm
St John's Place
Cnr Duke and Pine Streets, Gympie
(Ample Parking in Pine Street)
This BIBLE360 Seminar is a one-day introduction to the Bible for people of all ages and backgrounds.
This seminar (9.00am-3.00pm) offers a place to start the adventure of reading the Bible or to pick up the journey again if it has been a while. It is interactive in approach and includes:
• An opportunity to engage with others
• An understanding of the history of the Bible
• A brief overview of the Old Testament and New Testament
• Useful information on reading the Bible for everyday life
• Practical tips on choosing a Bible and other resources for on-going reading
• Help to get started with a personal Bible reading plan.
Participants will be encouraged to actively engage and apply key concepts to their local setting. There will also be an opportunity to develop a personalised Bible Reading Plan for your use after the seminar.
Just bring a pen and your lunch (or buy it nearby) and you’re good to go! Morning tea is provided.
Oh, and BIBLE360 modules are part of the larger 360 Project plan.
To find out more, head over to www.formedfaith.org

BIBLE360: Introduction to the Bible - Aspley/Albany Creek!
BIBLE360: Introduction to the Bible
A one-day (9-3.30pm) introduction to the Bible for people of all ages and backgrounds.
It offers a place to start the adventure of reading the Bible or to pick up the journey again if it has been a while.
The seminar provides:
· An opportunity to engage with others
· An understanding of the history of the Bible
· The basic information needed to read the Bible with confidence
· A brief overview of the Old Testament and New Testament
· Practical tips on choosing a Bible and other resources
· Help to get started with a personal Bible reading plan.
Just bring a pen and your lunch (or buy it nearby) and you’re good to go! Morning tea is provided.
Oh, and BIBLE360 modules are part of the larger 360 Project plan.
To find out more, head over toWait, you're here already!
FAITH360: Praying In Anglican Ways
Faith360: Praying in Anglican Ways is a seminar designed to give Anglicans an understanding of the breadth of their faith and the varied forms of prayer that underpin it. You'll...
- Discover the unique nature of your own spirituality
- Come to a better understanding of the kinds of prayer that suit you best
- Experience a range of methods that will help you spend time with God
- Learn about different ways of being Anglican around the globe
- Make decisions about your own patterns of prayer towards a future of faith growth
The Seminar is free; just bring a pen, your bible and a desire to learn about your faith. Oh, bring your lunch as well. Morning tea will be provided.
Faith360: Praying in Anglican Ways is a module of The 360 Project. More information about it is on pages at this website! Navigate the using the link above...

BIBLE360: Introduction to the Bible - Samford
BIBLE360: Introduction to the Prophets
A one-day introduction to the biblical prophets for people of all ages and backgrounds
This seminar offers an opportunity to explore the role of an often-misunderstood group in the Bible: the prophets. Here you will:
- Examine the current usage of the word, prophet
- Compare this with Biblical usage to explore how this role might have changed
- Look at the themes that characterise the words of the prophets
- Explore whether Jesus might have seen himself following that same line
- Ponder your own prophetic role in your community
- Look at resources to enable more learning