Using the cards with your kids
Make a special time for your chat, get cozy, and choose one or two questions that suit your kid and the day they’ve had. You may be surprised by their answers!
Keep a diary of your time together, record the questions and their responses. It will provide some fun looking back and may give you insight into the special human you have right now.
Let them ask you those questions back to you.
Choose one of the 8 themes, read through the questions together and ask your child to choose one they want to ask.
Play a matching game, ask your child to choose who they think might have a cool answer to that qestion.
Make a time for your child to connect with that person and ask their question. (Give your guest a little warning about the questions first!)
Giving children the authority to choose questions and think of people to ask shows they are valued members of your community
Keep a deck in the car
play a ‘rapid fire’ version of the questions on short drives, to and from sport practice, or on the way to the movies.
allow each person to choose a question and take turns answering or
choose a question-master for each trip
each person can make up one rule for their turn as question-master, for example: answer without using the word ‘me’.
Making time for conversation gives children time to practice essential human skills of connection, assertive speaking, and respectful listening.