Here's a bunch of advent ideas and resources to browse... More to come soon...
Slow Down. Quiet. It’s Advent! (2016 Advent Calendar)
Created by Susan Elliott, with drawings and text by Jay Sidebotham, this 2016 calendar poster suggests ways to mark the days through the Advent season. The calendar offers a reprieve from the hustle and bustle of holiday shopping and preparations with ideas for prayer, helping others, and considering the true meaning of Christmas. Take our advice to your hearts and to your walls: Slow down. Quiet. It's Advent! Perfect for the whole congregation.
The Womb of Advent
With Scripture readings and prayers, Mark Bozzuti-Jones offers four weeks of meditations that focus on the growth of Jesus in the womb of Mary as he approaches the day of his birth, learns his mother's voice, responds to the presence of light and dark, and begins to position himself for birth. What does this teach us about our own spiritual journey through Advent? That waiting and preparation is essential to the Christian life. By reflecting on our own birth experiences and Jesus's own progress through the womb, Christians learn how to remain intimate with God, how to approach the light, and how to get ready for new birth in Christ.
Full CPI Catalogue
Church Publishing, Inc. offers many beautiful resources for celebrating and deepening our understanding of Advent and Christmas. The 2016 catalog can be viewed by clicking here.
Dawn from on High By John Alexander
In these inspiring and accessible meditations, John Alexander provides a theologically rich and biblically grounded journey through Advent, Christmastide, and the first days of Epiphanytide. Based on the eucharistic lectionary of The Episcopal Church, Father Alexander takes the reader into the heart of Advent's focus on "last things" and then the Incarnation of Jesus Christ. Preachers will find in this volume a useful resource for preparing their own sermons, but any Christian will benefit from these homilies as we seek a focus on the great mysteries of our salvation.