The path of reconciliation is a good path to travel. But we talk about it a lot; some wonder how they can actually get on the way. What's a step in the right direction?
There are a lot of answers to that question but one is certainly to do anything that fosters deeper understandings of ourselves and others.
And one way to do that is to take advantage of the wonderful resource known as Dust Echoes.
As the website says,
Dust Echoes is a series of twelve beautifully animated dreamtime stories from Central Arnhem Land, telling stories of love, loyalty, duty to country and aboriginal custom and law.
These wonderful depictions enable each of us to experience these stories and to find commonalities, points of connection that serve to nourish the understandings I mentioned previously. At the very least they're beautiful to look at!
" Dust Echoes is one way that we are bringing everyone back to the same campfire - black and white. We are telling our stories to you in a way you can understand, to help you see, hear and know. And we are telling these stories to ourselves, so that we will always remember, with pride, who we are. "
Tom Lewis, actor, musician, Indigenous consultant
My thanks to Peter Jeffries, student at St Francis College, for bring this resource to my attention.