Faith in action: The People's Climate March

An Invitation from the Social Responsibility Committee...

"Dear Friends,

 Will you join us to create a vibrant Anglican presence at the People’s Climate March on Saturday 28th November?


The march is timed to coincide with worldwide marches that aim to embolden political leaders on the eve of critical climate negotiations in Paris.

The march will call upon our representatives to boldly address global warming, and commit to a safer, cleaner and fairer future for all people.

As Anglicans, we bring to the march our mission to transform unjust structures of society, and to safeguard and sustain the integrity of the earth.

We are marching because from here on in, we’re all in.

We aim to gather at St John’s Cathedral, to pray together at 8.30am before moving on and joining the march.

We will provide some placards and banners. There will also be transport to assist people moving between events.

We also encourage you to make and bring your own banners, to be creative or musical, and to make it enjoyable! 
(Click here for ideas).

Please like our event on Facebook, share it with your friends, forward this email, or download and share our event flyer.

We hope to see you there!"

An invitation from Angligreen and the Social Responsibilities Committee (SRC)