When the pressure is on to choose a new curriculum or program for Christian education, there are a few ways ahead.
I've been in groups when the first question asked is how colourful the new material is. I've been in groups where cost became the defining criterion about all else. And I've been in groups where the question was too hard and was put off, over and over, until no-one wanted to talk about it anymore.
So where to begin? Big picture first. If your parish hasn't already, I think the real place to start is to determine your parish's approach to CE overall; a policy statement really. That might feature reference to overall parish learning goals, preferred pedagogy and statements about the nature of learning. That "Approach" document can guide other program-based decisions
When the rubber hits the road, having an organised set of questions to guide the decision making group through the actual choice process of particular programs is a must.
Church Publishing Incorporated is the Episcopal Church's publishing arm and they provide a great document to help you make such choices. It even has a brief schema of questions designed to help you do that policy bit too.
Have a look at the document. There are some minor adjustments to be made with regards our different seasons but overall this is a corker!