80 questions to spark conversations that matter. ASKaround decks can transform car drives, sunsets, Church and coffee time into spaces for authentic connection.
Read MoreWe need your questions!
Fiona Hammond
Imagine you are sitting by the campfire late at night and there’s time to talk, about beginnings, endings, choices, what’s next.
What questions do you wish someone would explore with you?
The FormEdFaith team have a new project, about connecting to life, each other and community.
It has a few layers, including a deck of conversation starter cards, see the ASKaround webpage.
The questions are very important, and we hope you can offer some of your best for use in this deck!
Submit you best ‘deep and meaningful’ question, one that you’d love to hear others discuss, and have a chance to contribute.
Email Fiona on fhammond@anglicanchurchsq.org.au with your ideas by October 15, 2024.
ASKaround conversation cards will be available early in 2025.
Resources for Catechesis and Confirmation
Top resources for Catechesis and Confirmation, reviewed by Building Faith. Some excellent suggestions here!
Read Morethighten belts or loosen bonds?
What happens to a Lenten discipline when we remember that God is a God of unconditional love, and when we give divine love the first and last word?
Read Morestill from “La Llamada” - English title “Holy Camp” (2017)
Faith and The Arts and life!
God and Contemporary Culture: Theology and the Arts (DA2013Z) is the subject I’m delivering in Semester One next year at St Francis College. It’s a terrific subject where we hone our skills in seeing God in the world around us, using The Arts as a lens. We look at paintings, sculptures, music, and especially film. TV as well!
Read MoreCalling all faith-formers!
Is this you? Perhaps you manage a small group at your parish. Perhaps you help out with youth group, or take a turn at Sunday School now and then. Maybe you are teacher who would like to up-skill for a Religious Education class.
Read Moregrowing faith, people and churches
ATPc - exciting new certificate course
Have you ever asked “What’s next?” in your faith travels? Do you wonder how exactly people grow into deepter faith? Maybe you are looking for something to do when the rest of your share house is working on their model aeroplanes or scrolling socials.
The Anglican Theology and Practice Certificate provides…
Read MoreBuild a children's lending library
Here’s an idea! Create a children’s lending library at your parish. It’s a focus for your people, who will all have favourites to suggest. If you build a collection of quality…
Read Moreinclusive spaces
‘Every Sunday School classroom is neurodiverse…We all contribute to a community of differences together and we are all wonderfully made.” This goes for our church meetings, our liturgies, even our morning tea spaces!
Read Moreanglican identity ready to go!
The FormEdFaith team are proud to announce the arrival of the brand-new resource called Anglican Identity - a unique learning experience to explore the Anglican Church in our place: its history, its identity, and its mission. This is a truly local production, featuring familiar places, faces and voices.
Read MoreThe wondering project
The Wondering Together Project arose from a need to connect in new ways while illness and isolation, fear and violence ruled in the outside world. The simple remedy is ‘connect and keep connecting’, in ways that are sustainable and simple, repeatable and respectful.
Read Morenew adventures in faith formation
According to Building Faith's recent article, 21st century faith formation trends, there are some crucial points to consider when thinking through new ways to effectively plan for faith formation in your place with your people…
Faith formation is trending toward…
Read More"Respect" film review
In the years before her passing, musical legend Aretha Franklin made a bold statement: if there was to be a movie made of her life, she had one choice for the actor to play her. Jennifer Hudson was given that imprimatur. Now, a few years later, the film itself arrives and indeed, Hudson takes centre stage.
Read Morehow not to be afraid
Shine a light on the stories we tell about ourselves, and our faith.
Read MoreWhy do we worship?
Fiona Hammond
So here’s a great question for those of us who can meet as Anglican communities once again. What is worship? Why do we do it? What was it that I got out of bed for on a Sunday again?
The new SFC Short Course: Understanding Worship, explores six themes related to these questions, and 1.3 asks the big question: Why do we worship? Check out what Bishop Jeremy Greaves and Reverend Penelope Jones have to say, and then perhaps take this question into your week: ‘When people say they didn’t find God in worship it’s often not about an absence of God, but an absence of themselves’. https://www.stfran.qld.edu.au/1-what-is-worship
Faith Formation 2.0
Fiona Hammond
There’s an analogy going around that likens our current pandemic experience to riding out a blizzard, at the start of a winter, that may be the beginning of a minor ice age. John Roberto – the international advocate for inter-generational ministry and all-around awesome guy – expands this idea into some very useful thoughts about how we do church together in the coming weeks, months and years. This article provides a profound foundation from which to launch conversations about where to from here?! Find the pdf here: Guide to transforming faith formation in a changed world.
Let the light shine
Fiona Hammond
Jarrod McKenna (Diocesan Mission Advisor, Perth Anglican Church) writes poignantly about times where God’s people are called to shine their light in the darkness. Jarrod includes here a story written for his baby, which gently illustrates our call to justice and action in times when others are marginalised and victimised. See if you can find somewhere to read it… as a prayer, as a sermon, as encouragement to keep the light shining in darkness. Mission 2020+ Little Oma's Duty
ABM stories - towards reconciliation
Fiona Hammond
During the COVID-19 lockdown, ABM Missioner, Jazz Dow used Zoom to catch up with some inspiring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Anglican leaders. Check these out and have a listen to these raw and truthful conversation. They explore the many dimensions of what it means to focus on reconciliation in our country and our church. Thoughtful and perceptive insights capture stories and ideas for authentic listening and
growing together. I started with Rev'd Glenn Loughrey as he discussed his background, and his ministry which includes activism, art and advocacy, and his reflections on a pandemic…and just kept watching!
Zoom in and build community
The Virginia Theological Seminary regularly produces or highlights fab resources for intergenerational ministry. I really recommend a visit, but make sure you have time to mine… there’s just so many wonderful resources. Take this one for example: for those of us who are still operating with physical distancing protocols, a page of stellar ideas for connecting with your people via Zoom - buildfaith.org
Exploring the Bible: new free online course!
Th Bible is the central text for Christians so its super important we have a working knowledge of this precious book.
The new short course from St Francis College, Exploring the Bible helps you begin the path to…
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