With Pentecost this Sunday, I found a nice page of new prayers written by Maren C. Tirabassi, a 30 year veteran of curating worship and author of 18 books of liturgical resources. Her inspiration this year has been a community ravaged by bushfires; how do we celebrate Pentecost with new imagery that doesn’t involve fire and wind? She has produced some lovely material…
Here’s an example…
Let the Spirit come and sing and pray and laugh in us, O God. Let the Spirit come and be in the silences between our words. As our lungs and lips breathe in and out, may true needs, deep longings, unglimpsed hopes, and paralysing fears, be exhaled into your heart through the Spirit’s sighing. Let the Spirit come and lead us to one another so that we receive not just personal blessings, but the wonderful gathered vision and vocabulary of your Pentecost people. Amen.