After much discussion about how good the Archbishop’s address to Synod was this year, here’s the terrific section on Anglican identity, shared again with the PAX group at St Thomas’ Toowong a few weeks ago.
If you’ve ever wondered about the origins of the Anglican Church, have a look!
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There are estimated to be between 21 and 30 million people caught in slavery in the world today - suffering cruel and brutal treatment in every part of the world. The Freedom Sunday resource has been designed for local churches and can be adapted for use in different contexts around the Anglican Communion...
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You’ve already heard about the new modules in the BIBLE360 series coming your way. That’s Introduction to the Prophets and Exploring Anglican Spiritualities, in case you missed that news. Both of those are dynamite and manage to combine learning and personal faith growth material too.
But on the way is some big news about the expanded “360” family of learning experiences for your parishes.
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The Common Life Missions Conference looks like it will be a good one. I've heard of a few people from our diocese (Southern Queensland) who will be heading across, including people from ABM and others.
With more than 50 workshops focusing on all aspects of the Marks and keynote speakers from New Zealand, Ireland and more it'd be hard to come away feeling like you'd had anything other than a great learning experience.
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You've heard me talk before about John Roberto's Lifelong Faith website. The new journal is out this week and features 82 pages of expert practitioner advice about parish faith formation in all its forms.
Find out more...
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How we construct our worship so that it enables people to interact with God and God's story is a vexed question these days. Is it better to worship with all ages together? Is it better to arrange for separate educational activities for the young which match the purpose of the sermon for adults, but in another location? Or are the arguments for such bi-locational worship more about expediency for the adults left behind?
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Senior Ichthus is a famous 6 day/ 5 night residential camp open to all Year 10, 11 and 12 students; an exciting experience that challenges young people and gives them opportunities to form and strengthen new and existing friendships. Worship / prayer / games / food / music / sport / night programs / messy games / Challenge night / service / socialising / fun / and much, much more...
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We look forward to seeing many of you at the Ministry Education information booth during Synod this month!
Do come by and check out the resources available through St Francis Theological College and the Ministry Education Commission.
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When we engage with the Bible in small groups, we inevitably begin to look at issues of faith and the Church. But finding good resources to do that can be a challenge. Small groups that study the Bible can utilise an array of resources and one terrific place to bookmark is here online at Westminster Faith Debates.
What's that?
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The Anglican Church Southern Queensland is pleased to offer Pastoral Care
Volunteer training workshops. The course runs over two separate Saturdays and the
fee is $20 for both days which includes a workbook, and morning and afternoon
tea (BYO lunch).
The course offers...
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Small group material that deals with topical common questions about faith are like reality TCV shows: there’s a lot of them out there and most of them are rubbish!
Finding material written by terrific and trusted authors that get to the heart of issues without being bogged down is much harder. So that’s why the new SPCK series Little Books of Guidance are so valuable. There are four in the series so far.
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After the huge success of BIBLE360: Introduction to the Bible, work is underway on a range of modules to extend your knowledge and engagement with Scripture. First out of the gates will be BIBLE360: Introduction to...
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Ever wondered what drives great ideas for ministry across the ages? Knowing how Christian education works, what underpins it and how to do it better is a start! Jonathan Sargeant is coordinating Christian Education (THL366) next semester at St Francis Theological College.
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During the first quarter of the year, youth work has been an area the Roscoe Library at St Francis College has purchased widely in.These titles cover a broad spectrum and include general titles on youth work as well as specifically Christian resources. More detailed information on these resources can be found here.
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Got a few young people on the edges of your parish but no resources to do things for and with them? Maybe their parents come to church but the kids are a bit on the outer? Senior Ichthus sounds just right for you. Run by our own AYCF department, Senior Ichthus will help those young people to consider their own faith and enable them to bring that wonderfully positive experience back to their parishes...
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Ever wondered what drives great ideas for ministry across the ages? Knowing how Christian education works, what underpins it and how to do it better is a start! Jonathan Sargeant is coordinating Christian Education (THL366) next semester at St Francis Theological College. Find out more here...
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Watch the video for the Distributed Church program and then meet me back here. It only goes for 90 seconds or so...
You watched it? What did you think?
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Noted faith formation specialist John Roberto curates the Lifelong Faith website you can find here. This is a kind of one-stop shop with resources gathered from all around the world to enable parishes and other communities to take faith formation seriously.
I'd recommend a wander around the site but first sign up for the newsletter so that you can be regularly reminded of new material appearing at the site.
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The final two books in the Pilgrim: a course for the Christian journey series have been released.
Following the order of issues in the Catechism, the final two books are The Bible and Church and Kingdom. These use ...
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There 's a new website for Education for Ministry (EfM) based in the states! This website hosts information, resources and more to make it indispensable for group members but also useful for anyone wondering what the program is all about.
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