Here's a bunch of advent ideas and resources to browse...
Read MoreBIBLE360: Introduction to the Bible in Gympie
Want to learn more about the central book to your faith? Want to discover some tools which help with reading and understanding? How did they put this book together, anyway?
Read MoreFiona Hammond: New Formedfaith Staff!
There's no doubt the work of encouraging the faith growth of everyone in the diocese is important. A measure of this is that some funding has been located to enable us to get more done!
Fiona Hammond has been employed for three days a week to...
Read MoreFAITH360: Praying in Anglican Ways happening here first!
Can you feel the excitement?
The first new module of The 360 Project, FAITH360: Praying in Anglican Ways is happening for the first time! It'll be a landmark event for...
Read MoreOnline training for 360 Project New Modules
Considering becoming a leader of the two new 360 Project modules, BIBLE360 Introduction to the Prophets and FAITH360: Praying in Anglican Ways? That role is available to clergy in the Anglican Church Southern Queensland diocese and suitable lay people appointed by them.
Read MoreThe Bible Project - free videos...
People are so visual these days that good resources are needed to draw people into a closer relationship with Scripture. One group creating such videos are The Bible Project.
Read MoreBIBLE360: Introduction to the Bible - Samford
Never got around to doing the Introduction to the Bible module of BIBLE360?
Here's your chance!
Read MoreWhats New About The 360 Project
Okay, let's get to the point. There are new modules. There's a new approach. And there 's new streams... It's all new!
Read MoreChoosing Curricula Materials Made Easy
Choosing the Right Curriculum
What curriculum is right for your congregation's Christian Formation program? The answer starts with asking a series of questions. But what are those questiuons???
The Bishop of Chelmsford, Steven Cottrell, addressing members of the Anglican Consultative Council at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Lusaka. Photo Credit: ACNS
Adult Sunday Schools suggested in discipleship move
The Church of England’s Bishop of Chelmsford, the Rt Revd Stephen Cottrell, has suggested that churches should “renegotiate the Sunday contract” to include adult Sunday schools and eating together.
Read MoreThe 360 Project
After the success of BIBLE360: Introduction to the Bible, it made sense to expand the project to include opportunities for learning in other areas related to faith and faith formation. Using the distinctive '360' concept of exploring issues from all sides, you see before you: The 360 Project!
Read More360 Project: New Modules Orientation Event
The big difference with the two new 360 Project modules is this: your own local expert, whether that be your parish priest or one from a neighbouring parish can lead them. Or even a lay person with some theological training behind them.
The modules have presenter's notes that assist in this process. But you still wouldn't want to just pick one up and lead it. There's more to it than that.
Read MoreNEW Module BIBLE360: Introduction to the Prophets
Prophets get a bad name. Aren't they all to do with doom and gloom? Or are they? And what's that got to do with my life as a Christian today?
Read MoreIntroducing Sparkhouse Family: Videos, books and more
Sparkhouse has long been a trusted provider of Christian education resources and curricula. In recent years, the animated video portions of these resources have drawn rave reviews. For the most part, Sparkhouse resources were usually purchased and used by churches or schools. What about families and households who want access to this material?
Read MoreNew Preaching Resource
I want to highlight for you a new resource available from the Roscoe Library at St Francis Theological College Milton.
Fresh from the Word: a Preaching companion for Sundays, Holy Days and Festivals, years A,B and C is by Rosalind Brown, a canon at Durham Cathedral. This book collects...
Read MorePaula Gooder's The Joy of the Gospel
Evangelism. There I said it. But what about evangelization? Is that different? Here 's a resource that can inspire enthusiasm where opften there is anxiety and have us learning along the way...
Read MoreLearning more about Jesus
Doing some research into resources for preparation for Confirmation, I was reminded of this project a number of us worked on a little while back. Developed by a group of Brisbane Anglicans, this series of engaging and thought provoking videos exploring...
Read MoreWhat's in the Bible: a children's resource
What's in the Bible is a DVD series that comes from the creator of VeggieTales, Phil Vischer. It is designed to walk children through the entire Bible narrative. The importance of this approach has increased as young people increasingly displaylittle to no knowledge of the Bible.
Read MoreDifficult Bible Passages and Children: what to do!?
A fourth-grade Sunday school teacher came into my office recently. “This week’s Gospel?” he shook his head. “I’m not touching that reading with a 10 foot pole.”
So how long does the pole need to be?
Read MoreResources for building faith at home
Familying: what is it?
There's a lot of emphasis these days on the processes that build faith and there's a distinct bottom line: the location for that faith building is rarely at the church. In fact, all of the current material points to the home as the locus for lasting faith formation.
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